Belfast Metropolitan College
Belfast Met is the largest further and Higher Education College in Northern Ireland and one of the largest in the UK.

PGCE Observation 24/04/23

Promoting organisations products and services

Unit: Food and Beverage Skills

Monday 24th April, 2023
Amy Brown
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HospitalityUpper Secondary (Key Stage 4)GCSE

In deze les zitten 17 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

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Promoting organisations products and services

Unit: Food and Beverage Skills

Monday 24th April, 2023
Amy Brown

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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Last week....
  •   We completed a tour of the BMC food and beverage stores. 
  • We identified why it is important to follow correct storage procedures for the safety of the customer and organisation

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Intended learning outcomes
  1. Be able to list information that can be shared with customers in the Linen Lounge, that meets their needs and promotes organisations’ products and services.
  2.  Identify ways to help recognise customer needs and why it is important to have appropriate knowledge of organisations’ products and services.

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BBC Bitesize 

Product - Products are items sold by a hospitality outlet

Service - Services are provided to meet the needs and expectations of the customer and to improve their experience.
Today's success criteria
 By the end of today, you will appreciate the importance of providing customers with information that meets their needs and promotes organisations products and services and have learnt some techniques to help!

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Give an example of a question that a customer has asked you in the Linen Lounge during coffee morning

Slide 5 - Woordweb

Other than making their order
Give an example of a question that a customer has asked you in the Linen Lounge during lunch service

Slide 6 - Woordweb

Other than making their order
Customer needs and expectations

As hospitality professionals, it is important that we provide a high level of customer service. 
To do this we must 'pre-empt' customers needs and 'exceed' our customers expectations

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You have identified questions and queries that customers have when you are dealing with them in the Linen Lounge; 

What's today's specials 
Where are the toilets
What options are gluten free/free of certain allergens 

How about instead of waiting for the customers to ask, exceed their expectations and provide them with the information needed! This demonstrates your skills and delivers great customer service!!
What time are you open?
Do you serve wine? Can I have the wine list?
Can I have a high chair?

How do we know what they need?! 

Recognising customer needs takes practice! 

To help us recognise customer needs 
we must have knowledge of the products and services we offer and deliver.

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You're probably asking, but how do I know what they need? 

How can I remember all of this information! Especially when I'm new to industry

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One way we can pre-empt our customer needs to have experienced them yourselves. 

The first time you walked into the Linen Lounge was it obvious where the toilets were? When you read the menu, do you know what each dish looks like and understand what each of the components and allergies are.

To help us to build this knowledge, it is important to experience this.

Grape - FOLLOW WORKSHEET: round, colour, crunchy? soft? sweet sour?  smells sweet aromatic 
Drying effect like stewed tea - tanin (found in skin, pips and seeds) (white wine - skins removed quickly to reduce tanin texture/flavour). 

Be as literal with your descriptions - say it how it is! 

It is spicy, creamy, crunchy, sweet/sour 

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Now that we have experienced these foods before, if we were to complete this activity again would it be easier or more difficult? Hands up? 

How can you use this technique in the Linen Lounge in regards to products that are offered?

Organised, taste, look at the menu, ask things you don't know, independent research, consider questions you are being asked often and considered suggesting that LL needs added extra signage 

If a customer has asked a question before, you should consider would another customer be interested in knowing this information? When I read the menu and don't recognise something - should I go and experience it for myself? Ask the chef, share opinions. 

Knowing this information not only makes you feel more confident and enjoy your working experience more, you also have made a customer satisfied and potentially saved their life!! 

It can also be financially encouraging for the business you are working for e.g. upselling/selling more items due to your manner and service/customer service. This can benefit you in regards to being considered for promotions, valued member of staff and ensuring that the business itself flourishes and is not at risk of closure.

1. Be able to list information that can be shared with customers in the Linen Lounge, that meets their needs and promotes organisations’ products and services.
2. Identify ways to help recognise customer needs and why it is important to have appropriate knowledge of organisations’ products and services.

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Following your break we will investiage two restaurants 
- Peculiar Tea
- SixByNico 
We will consider how their employees take product knowledge to the next level

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Unique dining experience

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Unique dining experience

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